It took a year to read the Bible, then almost 9 months to read the Apocrypha. Now, I'm going to try to offer reflections on the Narrative Lectionary. But, I won't be posting daily--at least, for a while.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Battle planned for the Sabbath, a reflection on 2 Maccabees 15

When Nicanor heard that Judas's troops were in Samaria, he decided to attack Jerusalem on the Sabbath. The Jews that were compelled to be with him tried to dissuade him from this lack of respect for the day that the Lord had hallowed above all days.

Nicanor responded by asserting that he himself was sovereign.

When Judas learned of this plan, he exhorted his troops not to fear the attack but to trust that the Almighty would help them. He related to them a dream that he had had: The high priest Onias had introduced Jeremiah who had then give Judas a golden sword saying, "Take this holy sword, a gift from God, with which you will strike down your adversaries."

Encouraged by these words, they determined to attack the enemy because the city and the sanctuary and the temple were in danger. Yet, protecting the temple had higher priority than protecting their wives and children.

Do we make decisions based on dreams--ours or someone else's? How do we decide the priorities?

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