It took a year to read the Bible, then almost 9 months to read the Apocrypha. Now, I'm going to try to offer reflections on the Narrative Lectionary. But, I won't be posting daily--at least, for a while.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Reflection on readings for July 9

O Lord, I will give thanks due to you
    for your righteousness,
and sing praise to your name,
    O Lord, the Most High.
(adapted from Psalm 7:17)

1 Chronicles 7:1-8:40
In his commentary on Chronicles (in the Interpretation series), Steven S. Tuell points out (what I totally did not notice on my own):
....But the most intriguing feature of the Beriah story is the assumption that Ephraim lived in the land, when according to the story in Genesis, Ephraim was born, lived, and died in Egypt. .... Further, the Ephraimites in this story evidently live, at least in part, by raiding the wealthy inhabitants of the coastal plain. This fits the social picture of Palestine in the thirteenth century B.C., when Egypt's hold on the region was weakening, the Canaanite city-states were warring on one another, the marauding Sea Peoples were establishing settlements such as Gath along the coast, and lawless people were settling in the hill country.
Acts 27:1-20
Follow the route from Caesarea to Rome on this  map  furnished by Bible History. Trip began slowly as they were sailing against the wind. Paul warned that the delay had put them in the dangerous season for sea travel. The centurion in charge paid more attention to the ship owner than the tent maker. They set sail. A storm blew up. A bad storm. They lost hope that they could be saved.

Psalm 7:1-17
If we hadn't already realized it, reading the psalms would remind us that life is not always perfect for the faithful. Psalm 7 asks God to take care of enemies and to reward the righteous.

Proverbs 18:19
An ally offended is stronger than a city;
such quarreling is like the bars of a castle.

Prayer for Today: O Lord, protect us in times of danger. Comfort us in times of disappointment. Encourage us in all times. Amen.

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